Budapest to Amsterdam October 21 - November 4

Bill and I are arriving a day early in Budapest. Any suggestions of what to do. This is our first river cruise and first trip with Tauck so we are very excited. Anybody else on this forum going to be on this cruise with us? Also what is a good site to find out what the weather may be at that time. We're from Florida so I'm sure it will be a bit more chilly than we are used to!!


  • edited August 2017
    Top of my list after deciding where I want to go is to study the weather for my destination for the year and decide what the best time of year for the type of weather we prefer or can tolerate. Tauck makes this easy because it has a weather section for every journey it does. Go to the page for your tour and chose Before You Go, then find, Preparing to Go and then you will see Weather where it gives the historical highs and lows for each of the places you will be visiting on the tour and the rainfall. I really would never dream of booking a vacation without doing that. You are going in October, so without looking, I am thinking quite cool days and cooler evenings, dress in layers which is the usual advice for most tours anyway, but at least it is out of the main tourist season and some people prefer to tour when it is less busy.
    It's worth checking all the parts of the information that Tauck provides for each Hurley on the website, although I have sometimes found the suggestions for clothing pretty generic and old fashioned.

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