How Does Tauck Handle Low Water on Danube?

Looks like water levels are very low right now, particularly between Passau and Regensburg. How does Tauck handle that? Ship swap or busses? Do the smaller ships like Esprit usually have issues with low water or is it usually the bigger boats?


  • edited August 2017
    We did Prague (Regensburg) to Budapest last year. The issue we had was high water so the Ms Joy started out in Vilshofen to reduce the risk of being unable to go under a bridge in Regensburg. We toured Regensburg and then were bussed to Vilshofen. My sense is that the draft of the river boat will dictate where it can travel however Tauck would be the best source and they manage river levels day to day. Best wishes. Ed
  • edited August 2017
    Here's the reference chart: Looks like right now levels are lower than usual in some spots and higher than usual in other spots, but OK overall. This is pretty much what the chart looked like last October when we did the westbound "Blue Danube" tour (Budapest to Regensburg and then overland to Prague) and everything was fine.
  • Thanks! What ship were you on?
  • Thanks! What ship were you on?

    Ed mentions the MS Joy
  • Thanks! What ship were you on?
    We were on the M.S. Savor. When the water is a little low, you walk "uphill" on the gangway to shore. Not a big deal.

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