VPN for The Great Firewall of China?

Going on this trip in October. From what I've read, China blocks about 6000 web sites/services throughout the country, including Google and Gmail.

Can anyone who has gone on this trip recommend a VPN service that is not blocked to allow unrestircted internet access from China?


  • VPN is technically not allowed while in China.

    Gmail/Google/Facebook/Twitter/Instagram are not accessible in mainland China.

    If you want to do research or download such software, it is best to do it before you arrive in the country.
  • To follow up on my own post, I signed up with NordVPN. They have what they call "obfuscated servers" specifically configured for countries where internet is censored. It worked well in China, allowing me access to gmail, but sometimes took a few minutes to find a server that would connect. It's an endless cat and mouse game between China's internet censors and the VPN services. Once they discover a particular IP is a VPN, they block it. Then the VPN changes its IP. Yada yada. Some of the local guides mentioned they use VPNs to see the uncensored news of the outside world.

  • On our recent trip, we used Express VPN, which worked fine and is one of the few consistently on lists of VPN's to consider for China travel. Our travel director used Express VPN as well, as did several others on the tour. As a backup, we also had Astrill, which worked fine as well, and is another frequently mentioned one.

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