Jewish tour - Shanghai 10/17 (tour beginning 10/5)

Anyone interested in going on a tour of Jewish Shanghai the afternoon of October 17? The tour requires 8 people to sign up; so, my wife and I need six more people who are interested in joining us. Please let me know if you're interested so that I can notify the tour guide (Dvir Bar-Gal).


  • I'm not on your tour. Would you please let me know the contact information for your guide? Thank you.
    Debbie in FL

    supersecdd at aol dot com
  • Did this tour last year. It was outstanding.

    FYI, Dvir WILL do it with less people if you're willing to make up the difference in the per person charge for his minimum. In our case, he combined our group with a non-Tauck family that was originally scheduled for a different time and was willing to join us.
  • I will be on this trip and would be interested in this tour. My direct email is

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