Old Faithfull Inn at Yellowstone National Park

What do rooms in the original Old House section and Rooms in the newest part of the Old Faithful Inn in Yellowstone National Park, Really Look Like? Of course Tauck does not use the Old House log cabin style rooms, but they are the cheapest rooms at the Inn. The Old Faithful Inn is incredibly pretty and picturesque. The Old Faithful geyser itself is a short 100 yard stroll from the hotel lobby.
The Old House Room has walls of logs and no toilet in the room. Cheap and interesting many say.
The new wing rooms are much more modern. Some Tauck rooms will have direct views of Old Faithful Geyser through the trees if you a lucky. However, no room has air conditioning. Paid Wi-Fi is available if your laptop has an Ethernet connection, otherwise no internet is available for cell phones. Handicap rooms are not available.

The You Tube link to this video is: https://youtu.be/5GUxGVlOM7w


  • I dont like to check out links. But remember wifi is free on all Tauck tours.
  • edited September 2017
    But not at Yellowstone National Park. If you have a laptop and an Ethernet connection then you can get internet connections for $5/hr or about $12/day. But who has time to check internet on this very busy tour?
    And this is an exception to Tauck's free internet policy

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