What does a Mountain View Lodge room at Jackson Lake Lodge look like?

What does a Mountain View Lodge room at Jackson Lake Lodge in the Grand Teton National Park really look like? And more important is an upgrade to this expensive room really worth the cost? The short answer is: If you love 24/7 views of the Grand Teton Mountains - YES! The room itself is large at 318 sq ft. Free Wi-Fi but no air conditioning. The overhead fan really helps cool the room. The room can be a bit noisy from parties below at the restaurant level until about 10 pm.
As a fairly unique upgrade option on the Tauck tour, I thought this upgrade question deserved an answer.
The non-upgrade option at this hotel, is a decent cabin room in cabins located about 100 -200 yards from the hotel entrance. As I did not stay in the cabin, there are no photos or comments about this category of room. The cabin rooms are short walk way. But staying in one of these TOTAL NON-VIEW rooms does tend to isolate one from the lovely hotel.

The You Tube link to this video is: https://youtu.be/TB61H6ChtgI


  • I don't know about you Leslie, but we hardly spend any time in our Tauck rooms and certainly not in the daytime when you can actually see any views. The view is certainly stunning but the room is a typical lodge room, not very appealing at all, I know all Park accommodations are similar, but that's not why people visit.
  • Obviously, when the tour is on going, one is not in the room. But being a ending hotel with post stay possibilities, and having a 1/2 day free afternoon here, one is in the room more. Besides, the view in the room is not duplicable anywhere else in the hotel unless one walks up a short but very steep hill next to the hotel. Finally, I loved photographing the changes on the Tetons before sunrise, just after sunrise, at sunset and even at night from my room window. Most of the room view video was shot in the room as the view was the best. But then I am not like most Tauck guests either. My rooms are very important to me. And this is why I do room videos.
    And your statement that "park accommodations are the same" is sadly just WRONG at the parks on this tour. Depending on the luck of the assignment draw, Tauck guests sometimes get incredible rooms as I did at Lake Yellowstone Hotel.
  • I have stayed at the Jackson Lake Lodge many times. The best thing about the mountain view rooms is that you are also overlooking willow flats. Moose love willow and you have a reasonable chance of seeing moose or other native species moving about in the willow flats from your room early in the morning or late in the evening. These guest rooms are on the 3rd floor (top floor) of the lodge giving you a nice overview of the flats.

    Other benefits of staying in the lodge as opposed to the cabins are that (1)you are near the dining room and more casual restaurant, as well as the bar; (2) there are nice gift shops in the lodge if that interests you; (3) the Lobby of the Jackson Lake Lodge is spacious with lots of comfortable seating and a nice fire place to cozy up to while viewing the Tetons; and (4) there is free Wifi in the lobby so you can post all those gorgeous photos from your trip to your social media.

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