Spas/cost and service/shopping on this trip

I am on the Jan.16,2018 tour and would like to get info on Spa services,cost, tip? Best shopping on this tour.


  • Can't help too much with spa services except in Kumarakom where we each had the Rejuvenation massage for Rs. 5000 (about $77 USD), which was, by far, the best massage we have ever had! Both my husband and I had this treatment...(ayurvedic approach) and it was phenomenal. In my case two women (in his, two men) performed the massage in perfect synchronization to each other and to the music. There is a lot of oil involved, and when I had to turn over, I thought I was going to fly off the table!! It is not to be missed!! The other opportunities for spa treatments interfered with opportunities to visit off-itinerary sites, so I can't comment about other places.
    As far as shopping, you need to go back through previous posts. There is the bus bazaar, where there are lots of opportunities for fun things. The other threads will give an indication of what to buy where. If you are looking for more high end, Jaipur is the place for textiles and jewelry. My husband, a lover of boxes of any sort, got a beautiful white marble box with inlaid stone (like the Taj Mahal), in Agra. Throw a battery-operated light inside and the effect is stunning! It wasn't cheap.
  • We had couples massages at two different hotels on the Spotlight tour. They were excellent but can't remember which hotels or prices. The tip might have been included , it if not we would have given the usual US 20%

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