safety in Barcelona

Anyone starting the Paradors of N Spain on 10/2 concerned about safety with the rioting going on due to the vote on 10/1? Trying to decide if we need to cancel


  • I'm not so concerned about the rioting for the voting - but we don't leave until the 18th. I DO have concerns about the fact that the Ramblas was the site of a terrorist attack this year and Tauck has not addressed that in any mailing regarding the trip. Some reassurance from them that they are taking our safety into consideration would be appreciated. I'll be interested to know what you decide. Anne
  • If you call Tauck, they will tell you they have a team that constantly manages safety and things like you mention 24/7. Can you really believe they would risk their reputation and their own staff. If you do not trust the company then you can decide not to travel with them.
  • Received an email from American Airlines this morning regarding a possible "industrial action" between Oct 3 and 13th in Barcelona and offering to change flights with no charge. The only thing I could find was a possible security guard strike but the latest info was in August. Anyone heard about this?
  • There was a "general strike" and mass demonstration on Tuesday, October 3 in support of the Catalan independence movement. There is talk that the separatists may declare independence in a few days, so that may lead to further demonstrations and other actions. On Friday, several separatists are due to appear in court and it is thought that there will be demonstration that day. Google "Barcelona general strike" for more info. BBC News is also a good source.
  • Hi all,

    Like British said, as a part of our regular operations, we have a Global Response Team that monitors all events and news on an on-going basis. At the current time, based on what we've received from the news and from communication with our tour directors and partners on the ground in Barcelona, we do not expect any disruptions to our tours at this time, nor do we expect that any cancellations will be necessary. We may make very small adjustments to sightseeing routes and similar as needed, but nothing that would significantly disrupt the trip experience.

    We're continuing to monitor any developments, and will provide updates of any changes to anyone booked on affected trips as quickly as possible.

  • As a Tauck traveler 36 times to date, I totally agree with British! "Trouble" can happen any time anywhere unexpectedly these days, but I trust that Tauck will do everything possible to look after its clients and staff to the best of its ability.

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