October 19 Eastbound Chine

Anyone have any special thoughts on upcoming trip.
What face mask breathers to get to remove particles from air? Bringing anything special?


  • edited October 2017
    G A W wrote:
    Anyone have any special thoughts on upcoming trip.
    What face mask breathers to get to remove particles from air? Bringing anything special?

    From doing woodworking I know that the particles that are bad for your lungs are the small ones (.5 - 10 microns) which are not stopped by the typical cheap cloth/paper mask (ones bigger than that are captured by your body mechanisms and smaller are aspirated.)

    Check the archives, I think there was an extensive thread on this very topic. I believe one post said you aren't in the areas with bad pollution long enough to make a mask worthwhile. Search on all areas, because there may be an applicable discussion of the air in India. Here are links to a few threads:




    Another suggestion is to Google "Air Pollution in Bejing" or similar.

  • We are currently on the trip on the cruise portion. We brought masks but haven't needed them yet. When we arrived in Beijing last week we were shocked to find sunny blue skies! Pollution in the other major cities is evident but manageable. We haven't even seen many Chinese people wearing masks. It's a great trip! Exhausting but great!

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