Northbound Rhine Christmas Markets Nov 26

Am going on The Christmas Markets on the Rhine northbound trip Nov 26 as a solo traveler. Interested in who ,might be going. Am really looking forward to the trip. The river cruise from Amsterdam to Budapest was one of my favorites


  • This will be my 4th Riverboat trip and 9th Tauck tour. You will love the riverboat experience! I am travelling this time with my sister and daughter, ladies only!! My sis and I are from CT and my daughter lives in Fl. Everyone is friendly on these trips so you will not have any problem fitting in!!
  • My husband and I are traveling northbound on the Rhine, we are from NY! Looking forward to meeting you Gloria, this is our second Tauck trip and first river cruise. Everyone was very friendly on our first trip and solo travelers were very welcome.
    Looking forward!! Susan and Gene
  • Enjoy your trip! My husband and I are going on this same trip in a couple of weeks. Please post about your experience when you return. I'd love to read how you enjoyed it.

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