Treasures of the Aegean-Day trips from Athens

We are booked on this tour leaving June 14. We plan to arrive at least one day early . I'm trying to decide if we should extend our time in Athens with more additional days at the beginning or end of the tour and would also like to hear recommendations for day trips from Athens. Also, I would like to hear from others who are booked on this date.


  • This trip is not on our schedule "yet", however, when it is we will arrive early and take a day trip to Delphi.
  • We took a similar tour with another company several years ago. I definitely suggest that you plan to have at least two days extra in Athens, which is what we had. Unless the economic situation has improved drastically, government workers in Athens strike over wages, retirement income, etc. quite often. That closes down all the places most tourists want to go. Even going into some of the tourist areas can be dangerous. A strike occurred the first of our two extra days, so for all practical purposes, we lost that day. The following day was fine and strike free so we were able to go where we wanted to go. Another couple on our tour had planned only one extra day so they were not as fortunate as we were. Alan, Delphi is wonderful with both a museum full of artifacts rescued from the site before they were stolen as well as the actual site itself. We highly recommend a visit there. It was included in our particular tour.
  • Alan, Delphi is wonderful with both a museum full of artifacts rescued from the site before they were stolen as well as the actual site itself. We highly recommend a visit there. It was included in our particular tour.

    I've been there many years ago, but my wife hasn't.

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