Early Melborne Arrival Question

We independently using Air miles booked our arrival flight 4 days before the tauck tour. When entering the arrival flight information I get a red exclamation symbol stating early arrival for this tour cannot be more than 3 days prior to Tauck tour start date. Does anyone know why Tauck has this rule?


  • We had the same problem and had our travel agent square it away with Tauck. Something in their system had to be overruled. We were transported by Tauck on arrival.
  • Is this possibly related to the Tauck included (for a price) travel insurance policy? When extending independent travel pre or post trips more than two or three days I have sometimes had to buy a separate travel insurance policy as their carrier has a limit about this that seems to differ by destination.

  • There has been past discussion of this and three days appears to be the limit. I think it might be in the small print in the policy nowadays. Call Tauck and get the answers. Enjoy Melbourne, you will find plenty to see and do before the tour begins andbe over jet lag before your tour begins.
  • We had the same problem when booking four extra nights at the end of our trip. Apparently Tauck has a 3 extra night maximum with the hotel in Auckland so we had to book one night outside of the tour package extra nights. It's a good point to make sure that the fourth extra day is added to the insurance. We have been assured that Tauck will still provide transportation to the airport on departure day.

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