PACKING HELP and also going on 1-22-17

Anyone on our trip?
Of course you are!
We are having so much trouble packing too much Can use help on suggestions.Got that we only need 2 dressy items-but what about the climate changes?


  • We're not on this trip however we did the same trip a year ago in February. Take a look at and get a sense of the weather/temperature extremes. Think layers, pants where legs zip off to become shorts, vests, etc. The temperature at Uluru will be substantially different from the Milford Sound in NZ. I brought a pair of slacks and blue blazer for dinner on several nights however the remainder was very casual. We took several pairs of ExOfficio quick dry underwear which really helps with packing. There is time to get outside laundry done in Sydney and many used the washers/dryers at Silky Oaks Lodge. Pack light and enjoy the trip.
  • Hi - we took this trip at the exact same time as you are. One dressy top will take care of anything you might need. My husband can't recall bringing a blazer, though he might have, but it wasn't necessary. A long sleeve shirt will do for most occasions. Cairns is very warm, think shorts, and ditto for Uluru which is hot. Only a couple of evenings in Melbourne or Sydney which would be candidates for shirt/dressy top. Really, the whole trip is very casual and adventurous. You will be amazed at NZ. SO beautiful. Be sure to bring rain gear, just in case - it works as a layer on cool mornings, too. It's such a wonderful experience. Make room in your suitcase for me :-).
  • Thank you for your help.It is difficult to try to get it right.Casual is the theme and I got the dressing for leisure-Hope I have room for some goodies.Took a bunch out of the suitcase.My worst deal is shoes.I have 2 sandals,2 sneakers(one they discuss that will dry fast)and now I need a good walking pair-that takes the space..Thank you all
  • mosscreek wrote:
    Thank you for your help.It is difficult to try to get it right.Casual is the theme and I got the dressing for leisure-Hope I have room for some goodies.Took a bunch out of the suitcase.My worst deal is shoes.I have 2 sandals,2 sneakers(one they discuss that will dry fast)and now I need a good walking pair-that takes the space..Thank you all

    Thank you for asking this question! We're leaving February 27 for the March 5 trip and packing for a month is challenging with a limited amount of space in a variety of climates. Please come back after your trip and let us know what worked and what you would change. It's so nice to learn from the experienced!
  • For those that suggested taking rain gear:
    Tauck suggests a water repellent jacket. Is that sufficient or is a water proof jacket much better? What about water proof pants?
    Did ladies bring dresses or skirts for the nights when men needed long sleeve shirts or jackets?
  • We had water repellent jackets and no water proof pants. Very little rain on our trip. We like to dress up a wee bit for the opening dinner and farewell dinner. For women there were skirts and slacks with nice blouses and or sweaters. Many of the men wore a blazer and slacks. Seems that you can wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.
  • I just looked back at pictures I took of our tour group at the farewell dinner. Only two guys and the tour director wore a sports jacket. Most people on this tour leaned towards informal.
  • I think an umbrella would be fine for the Australia part, it’s too hot for coats. We did do NZ in their summer, so we got rain. A lightweight nylon foldable waterproof jacket was sufficient.

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