Open Road Tour - Sunday - 28 January, 2018

Carolyn & I are on the January 29, 2018 Australia & New Zealand tour. We’re looking at booking an Open Road Tour with The Private Tour Guide. The prices are high for 1 or 2 couples but are much more reasonable if you have 3 or 4 couples. Is anyone interested in joining us?


  • Happy New Year. I'm confused. 50 people have viewed this with zero replies. Call/text me at 908.397.8715 by 1.3.18 or else I'll make alternate plans since there is no interest.
  • Tom, so few people use this forum that there might be no-one on your tour who sees the message. I also advise not putting your phone number on the forum, it often gets spam. This is a great tour, we did not have interest in taking the Open Road tour when we went but did arrive two days early in Melbourne and had plenty to do there.
  • We did the Great Ocean Road tour with the Private Tour Guide just a few weeks ago (late November). We loved it. It is pricey for just two of us, but we felt it was well worth it. Peter was our guide and he entertained us with stories and history and had a wonderful sense of humor. In addition to the Apostles, which are gorgeous, and the beautiful coastline, we also saw koalas in the wild, parrots that would eat out of your hand, and had a delightful lunch at Apollo Bay. The Private Tour Guide also customized our start and return times to allow us time to get to the Tauck Meet & Greet (we were picked up at 6:00am and returned at 4:45pm). It was a very worthwhile expense and time well-spent.
  • We are traveling in March. We have also scheduled a Great Ocean Road Tour with the Private Tour Guide, and, as Jan511 said, we will have an early pick up so that we can still attend Tauck meet and greet. It will be a very full day! But I think this is something that should not be missed, and this was the only way to fit it into our schedule. Let us know what you think since you will be traveling in January.

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