February 9th Tour

My wife and I are on the February 9th Essence of South America tour and are interested in touring Valparaiso & Vina del Mar on February 9th (returning in time for the welcome dinner). We are planning to use the Ritz Carlton Hotel car and driver. The total cost for the driver and van is about $400 (excluding tip) and can hold up to 6 people.

Please let us know if you are interested in joining us.



  • Good choice! My husband and I did this with the friends we traveled with. Lovely day. You are in for a wonderful time on the whole tour!!
  • Harvey,
    My husband Jon and I are interested in joining you on the pretrip tour.
    Thank you,
  • Connie,
    That's great. I just sent a confirming email to the Ritz. When are you arriving in Santiago? Please write to me @hjbur@yahoo.com so we can make arrangements to meet.
  • Connie,
    Enjoy the February 12th tour.

    We still are looking for anyone on the February 9th tour who is interested in going to Valparaiso and Vina del Mar on February 9th (returning in time for the welcome dinner).


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