Vietnam/Cambodia/Thailand Februrary 2

Do I have to bring a carry-on or can I bring a larger suitcase? Any suggestions on what to pack, weather-wise... Thanks!


  • You need a carry on to bring at least one change of clothing with you in case of delayed luggage. Meds and valuables should also be carried on the plane. There is a limit to size of suitcase too.
  • Anabelle wrote:
    Do I have to bring a carry-on or can I bring a larger suitcase? Any suggestions on what to pack, weather-wise... Thanks!
    We are doing Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos in the same timeframe in 2019. We use to evaluate historical temperatures, rainfall, daylight hours, etc, and then check out the forecast prior to packing just in case there is something out of whack. Fortunately we don't have to think about this trip yet.
  • So I can bring a medium size suitcase to check in the plane(s) + a carry-on to take with me in the plane? Anyone knows anything about the planes that we take during the tour? Any advice helps, thanks!
  • Anabelle,

    On this Tauck site there is a button "Before You Go" -- it is located just to the left of the "Forums" button.
    Select "Before You Go, "Inclusive Prices" and then "Luggage Handling"

    The way I interpret this (who knows, I could be wrong?) is that you may bring one suitcase and one personal item. I believe you may bring EITHER a carry-on sized suitcase (which you could bring on the aircraft to stow in overhead bins on your arrival flight)_OR a regular sized suitcase (it gives dimensions) and this bag is limited to 44#. Your personal item has to be in the dimensions range of 22"x14"x10" this bag would probably have to be able to fit under the seat in front of you.

    The on-tour flights allow ONE piece of checked luggage and ONE carry-on personal bag.

    I am using a lot of mix & match pieces and I think all will fit nicely in a carry-on sized suitcase, my personal bag will have medicines, change of clothes, iPad, toiletries, etc.

    Weather will be warm, humid, possible rain so my clothes will be lightweight. I plan to bring a sweater which I generally need were there is air conditioning.
  • We just and I mean just got back. Excellent tour. Most people had one large suitcase and one carry on bag.
  • According to a Tauck rep the inter-country flights you can take one carry-on per person no bigger than 20x15x10 to be placed in the overhead bins. Additionally you can take one personal item i.e. purse, camera bag, backpack that can be placed under your seat or the seat in front of you. You can also have one bag "checked in". Carry-on bag on the plane not to exceed approximately 15 pounds. Checked-in bag about 40 pounds...(check with Tauck on both these allowances).
    Please correct me if I am wrong and give me your source...Thank you

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