Wilson’s Promontory vs. Philip’s Island Penguin Parade

Hi all,
I haven’t seen anyone posting about Wilson’s Promontory outside Melbourne. Since it’s considered one of the prettiest parks in Victoria, I was wondering why not? It’s 3 hours drive from Melbourne but is supposed to have wonderful hikes, views, wildlife, etc. and isn’t at all touristy. Can anyone share their experience if they’ve been there or share why they didn’t go?

I have seen people going to Philip’s Island to see the penguin parade among other things. I can’t decide if driving two hours to see what seems to be a rather short parade is worth it. Any comments, opinions, etc would be most welcome.

Many thanks for any advice you might have on these two experiences.



  • The Penguin Parade was well worthwhile. We used Little Penguins tour. It was a small group tour and pick up was walking distance from our hotel. Spring for the guided ranger tour, which included the special viewing area. It gave us great seats, a blanket and binoculars and a ranger narrating during the event. It is amazing that the Penguins do this each night!
  • Agree 1000%. The Little Penguins are magic. And the Little Penguin bus/van was terrific. With them you don't go to the chocolate factory, just straight to see the penguins. Extra for a ranger is definitely worthwhile as you will learn so much more about them, their habits, predators, safety mechanisms and more. Doing this was one of the highlights of our trip, which you'll find is one oh my gosh what an incredible day after another. Have a grand time!
  • mazalea wrote:
    Agree 1000%. The Little Penguins are magic. And the Little Penguin bus/van was terrific. With them you don't go to the chocolate factory, just straight to see the penguins. Extra for a ranger is definitely worthwhile as you will learn so much more about them, their habits, predators, safety mechanisms and more. Doing this was one of the highlights of our trip, which you'll find is one oh my gosh what an incredible day after another. Have a grand time!

    You'll get to see more little ones in the Galapagos!
  • Thanks, Susany and Mazalea. I like the idea of just seeing the penguins and not having to traipse through other ‘attractions’.

  • Is the Little Penguins tour that is being discussed the one through TheLittlePenguinBus people or is there a different website I should be looking for?


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