Blue Danube Westbound August 16-27th

My husband and I will be taking this trip. This is our first river cruise and our first trip with Tauck. Any advice, comments, or other information would be appreciated!


  • Would highly recommend spending a few extra days in Prague. This will give you time to visit sites not included with Tauck. We did Prague to Budapest on the Danube and it was a wonderful experience. Prague ideas: Vltava boat cruise, Petrin Hill Funicular and Tower, and a concert at the Klementinum. Consider dinner at Terasa U Zlate Studne, and a great local brew pub called Lokal Dlouhaaa.
  • Read everything in the Before You Go section for your tour. Then read through lots of the older forum threads for your tour and other river cruises. When it comes to things like dress, life and amenities on board, etc there is a lot of similarities from tour to tour.

    Tauck has also just introduced a new smartphone/tablet app that gives useful info. There is a thread on this in the General comments forum.
  • We did this tour in 2015. The riverboat is really nice. The one surprise is that there were 5 times when we dressed up for dinner - welcome reception in Prague, farewell reception in Budapest, welcome to boat, imperial evening in Vienna, farewell on boat. It seemed more often than other trips which are primarily welcome and farewell receptions.

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