Essence of South America-March 9

We are on the March 9 Essence of South America tour. Anyone else? Based on the CDC warning of yellow fever we plan to get the vaccine. What other vaccines are people getting for this trip?


  • We all had the yellow fever, typhoid booster and hep. A booster

    My husband and I and our daughter (35) are joining the March 9 Essence of South America tour. We arrive from Australia on Wed 7 and wondered if anyone would like to join us on Thursday 8th for a day tour to Valparaiso and/ or on Friday 9th for a 1/2 day tour to Pomaire.
    There is room for 4 more in a 7-8 seater.
  • We got the same vaccines.We don't arrive til the 8th so we may do Valparaiso on the 9th. look forward to meeting you 3 !!!
  • I also had the Yellow Fever shot and typhoid. My Hep shots are up to date. Anyone traveling on the Mar. 23rd trip for Essence of S. America? Interested in touring with a car,, etc. before the dinner?

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