Anyone do the Loen Skylift?

Will be on the Scandinavia trip in July 2018, and doing some early free-time planning.

We'll be at Hotel Alexandra in Loen for 3 nights and on day 9, there's a free afternoon. The Loen Skylift just opened last year, and besides some great views, there are some hiking trails, with all levels of difficulty, on Mt Hoven.

Would appreciate comments from anyone who visited in 2017, or if you're going in 2018, please report back on this. Thanks.


  • We went last June. The views are spectacular. At that time, the facilities were still under construction. The gift shop at the base was being built (in America they would have built that first). The restaurant was open. It has stadium seating so that all the tables have a view. Full bar and you can just get a snack or a drink if you want. There were no other facilities to speak of at the top. They were still doing construction and landscaping around the top. The only trail I'm aware of goes from the bottom to the top. We might have considered walking down, but really didn't have the time. The skylift is expensive, so you have to decide whether the views are worth it to you. Here's the website, if you haven't seen it already:
  • Thanks Ken. You seem to have recently been where I'm going next, for several destinations :-) Yes, have already seen the web site, which is what prompted my question.

    FYI, some hiking info is listed here:

    I agree with you that there's insufficient time to do a bottom to top, or vice versa, given Tauck's schedule of activities.
  • I'll answer my own question for anyone wondering about this.

    I did the Loen Skylift yesterday and it's definitely worth it, even at the current 60USD price. The view is phenomenal (on a clear day). There are a number of well-marked hikes at the top, some easy, some not so easy. There's not much to do in Loen, so budget for it.

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