Flight check in during the tour

We are on the March 9 th tour. For those of you who have previously takien this tour:
There are 5 flights within this tour.
My question is:
Is the check in process for luggage done as a group or is it done indivually?
Thank you


  • We are on the Vietnam, Cambodia and Loas tour at the moment. So far we have not had to check in our bags at all, for example, when we left Hoi An yesterday, our bags were taken from our hotel room and the next time we saw them after our flight was when we entered our next hotel in Ho Chi Min city. We just get to the airport, are given our boarding passes by our tour director as we enter and head for security. He collects all our passports and does all this in advance, it’s one of the smoothest processes we have ever encountered. He also leads your tour.
  • All flights and baggage handling were seamless! Couldn't believe how well organized our trip was, although, five years ago. Sounds like it is still the same. And, best of all, the flights are short with the Cambodia to Chaing Mai leg through Bangkok being the exception. What a wonderful trip!!
  • Thank you both for your prompt replies. Its good to know. In my China Tauck tour, it was as you say and it is so pleasent to just walk into the gate with your boarding pass on hand and bypass the the stress and hassle of checking in. Thank you TAUCK
  • We did the Vietnam, Cambodia & Laos trip in October and you won't have to worry about your luggage. Tauck makes it seamless. Enjoy !!! We went to Thailand on our own before the trip. You'll have a great time.

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