Northern Lights

Has anyone experienced the Northern Lights during this tour? Thanks.


  • When are you going?
  • sharonlynn wrote:
    Has anyone experienced the Northern Lights during this tour? Thanks.

    When I did this tour a number of years ago, I got lucky and did see the Northern Lights. It depends on the weather. Early in the day it was cloudy, but when it cleared up in the afternoon, we were told that the "lights might be out". Since it stayed clear, we were able to see them, but as I mentioned it all depends on the weather and if it is clear. We did see polar bears!
  • Sharonlynn,
    I am booked on this tour in November and had been wondering the same thing. I found a website that has a web cam in Churchill for viewing the Northern Lights. It is:

    I have seen the Northern Lights on the site many times. As noted by Kathy18, it does depend on the weather. Hoping they will cooperate and be visible when I am there. I have also been using this site:

    to check on the possibility of the Northern Lights being visible.

    FYI, the site has many different web cams around the world including Polar Bear cams, also in Churchill. While the polar bears are gone now so there isn't any live feeds, they have videos posted.

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