Scandinavia June 1 trip

We have traveled with Tauck before but not to this region, any suggestions as to help with packing, do we really need a coat at this time of year or just layers. This is the start of a 6 week journey so Im trying to be smart about what to take. Thanks


  • I did this Tauck trip in June, 2017. Lots of rain. The most important clothing item is rain gear, and you go to some high altitudes, especially in Norway, where it gets quite chilly.
  • We did this trip around June 1, 2017. We generally had beautiful weather, wore just a rain and wind shell most days. There are a few cold spots. At Dalsnibba ("the highest fjordview in Europe from a road"), it was cold and windy with snow all around. Just a short stop, but I wished I had a warm hat and gloves for that. Also, the glacier visit was cold (it was also raining that day). Cool evenings.

    I would say you can get by layering, if that includes a warm sweater or fleece jacket and a rain shell.
  • Hey.
    I'm a landscape photographer.
    I traveled a lot around the Lofoten Islands. Lofoten Islands, this is my favorite place. I published a great article in which I talked about my experience.
  • SUngar wrote:
    We have traveled with Tauck before but not to this region, any suggestions as to help with packing, do we really need a coat at this time of year or just layers. This is the start of a 6 week journey so Im trying to be smart about what to take. Thanks

    We just returned from this trip and the region was experiencing the warmest weather in years. We did not use our coats, layers are the best. We also experienced no rain. Happy travels!

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