
Gluten Free Food on Riverboats

With a month to go before our cruise, my father informs us that he has been diagnosed with Celiac -- which means no gluten. He is crestfallen--thinking that he must cancel the riverboat cruise. I asked Tauck about the availability of gluten-free options and I share their reply. [Wow, Tauck!]

All meals onboard will feature gluten free options (options will be limited). Please see below items that are gluten free and are always carried on board. Please note that we cannot guarantee there will not be any cross contamination.

The following gluten-free items are always on board every ship:
o gluten-free bouillon
o gluten-free baguettes
o gluten-free bread rolls (white and multi-grain)
o gluten-free sliced bread (white/wheat)
o gluten-free cornflakes
o gluten-free flour (baking basis)
o gluten-free zwieback crackers
o gluten-free müsli with raisins, pineapples, apricots and coconut
o gluten-free penne pasta and spaghetti
o gluten-free almond torte
o quinoa
o rice flakes
o Asian rice noodles

On the first day of the cruise, all guests who have dietary concerns will meet with the Maitre d’ to work on a plan. Not all requests can be fulfilled. Options may be severely limited when dining off the ship.

The last post that I could find in the Forum about this issue was 2015; it was time for an update. My father is happy to be cruising in April.

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