Ha Long Bay Day Trip

Is anyone participating in the October 12-27 Vietnam, Cambodia & Thailand trip arriving a day early and interested in a day trip to Ha Long Bay?


  • A day trip to Halong Bay will be difficult for you. It is a 3 1/2 to 4 hour bus drive from Hanoi each way, you need at least an overnight. We were just there on the Indochina tour which includes an overnight at Halong Bay, it’s beautiful!
  • British, would you tell us more about the Indochina tour the you tool. Was it a Tauck tour? When did you go?
  • Just returned from the Tauck tour, will post part 3 of my review in a couple of days or so, no time to write big report just now, lots going on
  • I will take that tours: Hanoi Halong Bay Tour 2 Days
    Day 1: i will travel around Hanoi
    Day 2: i will discover Halong Bay
  • At minimum 1 night in Halong Bay is better (Overnight on junk or on Cat Ba island).

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