Treasures of the Mediterranean: Ponza, Elba, Bonifacio

We have placed a deposit for this trip in 2019 and I was wondering for those who have been on this trip before
do you get enough free time to spend at any of the beaches in Ponza, Elba or Bonifacio? From looking at the pictures
it would be a shame to not have an opportunity to take a swim in such beautiful water. Maybe there would be enough time
with the free time offered on one of the stops.



  • DJ23 wrote:
    We have placed a deposit for this trip in 2019 and I was wondering for those who have been on this trip before
    do you get enough free time to spend at any of the beaches in Ponza, Elba or Bonifacio? From looking at the pictures
    it would be a shame to not have an opportunity to take a swim in such beautiful water. Maybe there would be enough time
    with the free time offered on one of the stops.


    It sure doesn't sound like there is enough time in the itinerary to spend any time at the beach. You might be able to take a swim from the ship if you forego going ashore. Give Tauck a call.
  • Just received my excursion selections for a June trip. There is an option for a "Coastal Cruise & Beach Time", so you're in luck!

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