trip in June of 2018 to Peru and Bolivia

Traveling June 7 to 22, is anyone else traveling the same trip. If so are you planning on getting yellow fever shot for the short time in LaPaz Bolivia? We are planning on taking small US currancy to use for local purchases, how about you? Any comments would be appreciated. Pat


  • I did this trip 3 years ago. Did not do yellow fever vaccination. The CDC does not recommend it unless you are going into the jungle.

    Make sure you bring US currency that is in pristine condition for the Bolivian visa - no folds and no pin holes (surprisingly common, if you hold them up to the light) - they are extremely picky about that
  • Once you will travel to Bolivia you have the chance to explore this wonderful place and it's top neighbouring attractions. So, I would suggest you to take vacation packages in Bolivia which are delivered by top Bolivia travel specialists so that your tour can be incredible one.

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