A dreamy trip

We have been on several international tours with Tauck, and eventhough all of them with the exception of one have been terrific, I must say this trip will stand out in our minds.All of our past TD have been great, but Larry Jo Abbott trumps them all. My only comments and suggestions: One less day in Chain Mai and one more day in Bangkok. This is a somewhat of s physical challenging tour and more attention and stricter supervision should be paid to the guest that wish to go on this trip. Looking forward to our next one. A must, a pre extension tour on your own to Halong Bay. We did it on the Violet, 6 cabin, 2 day and one night. It was terrific


  • Fernando, we took the Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos tour with Larry Jo In February. He is a gem! Our favorite place was Laos, so we are glad we took the option of there compared to Thailand. Fortunately the Halong Bay trip is included in this tour too and I particularly enjoyed the four hour ride to Halong Bay looking out of the windows at the sights we went by, lots of photos.. enjoy your next tour.
  • Hi Fernando,
    We, too, had “Larry Joe”, our very favorite TD ( not to diminish other phenomenal TD’s we have had) remembered for his organization, personality, efficiency and a GREAT sense of humor! He had us in stitches most of the time...as we left The Four Seasons in Chiang Mai, he grabbed the mike, shook his head and said, “What a dump!” Those of you who have been there will understand the humor!
    Also, glad you liked the Violet...we were on the Jasmine and thought the cruise line was excellent ( especially after they went above and beyond to accommodate us after we had missed our flight and literally held the boat, at anchor, to wait for us)!
    I agree that this is a physically challenging trip as you cover a lot of territory. We loved the time in Chaing Mai...gave up a golf opportunity to chill out by the beautiful pool. We solved the Bangkok problem by staying an extra day and then spent 5 days in Hong Kong on the way home. BYW, when he learned we were going to be in HK, Larry emailed all of his HK handouts to me to enhance our time there. They were so helpful.

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