If you are on the fence about going . . .


Here is our video -- I just received copyright permission for the music:


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  • Your photos were truly amazing, Doug! Thanks for sharing. I went on safari in 1979 but, alas, not with Tauck. There's much to be said about seeing the world with a tour company that prides itself on excellence.
  • Thank you, SHG,

    I’ll put in a plug for Tauck here. I had a bad reaction to the anti-malarial on the very first night in Tanzania, and called the TD before even having met him, in the middle of the night (excruciating abdominal pains, happens to 12%, the African MD told me), and got wonderful service — the M.D. visited me bedside with 2 follow-ups — and he brought medications with him — and only billed for $180.

    So, I go with Tauck because I feel they are extremely attentive to one’s needs and do things like keep in touch with the political situation in the country, or other variables that might affect your well-being. And they are respected and sought after by the locals, oftentimes.

    I was on a trip to China, and one Tauck traveler said she broke had her arm on a trip and Tauck flew her out of there pronto — got her to the airport, made arrangements for her medical care — etc.

    On another trip, I had a condition where I had to sit up to sleep. The TD arranged for lounge chairs, etc. at all the hotels.

    Also have a friend that knew Arthur Tauck, and he described a corporate culture there that put the customer first.

  • Doug, which anti-malarial did you take, most you have to start taking a couple of days before you arrive, or some it's a week and always with food. We have taken anti malarial many times now and never had a problem but we have been on trips when people have been taking them on an empty stomach and been queezy.
    Photography--- we just spent a day with a relative in London that we haven't seen for a long time and now a professional photographer. We got lots of tips like when taking a selfie always hold the phone with two hands. The funniest thing she did was take a photo of the other three of us, then we kept very still, then she stood at the other end and her husband took the picture again. She then photoshopped herself into the first pic. It looked really good. She has no interest in taking photos of Safari animals, she prefers to take people shots.
  • Hi British,

    If I recall, we had a long chat about this in the K-T forum, and Alan S. had explanations of various meds, websites to check, and, of course, the recommendation to check with your doctor or a travel M.D. before you go.

    Basically, the Tauck African MD said that 12% experience side-effects with Malarone, and he changed me over to a medication that had only one of the two components of that drug. 3 of us on that trip had similar reactions, so that was about 12%.

    Sounds like you had a lot of fun and learned a lot from your relative. My own interest is not landscape photography but people in environments and street photography — as I might have mentioned, I was a clinical psychologist, so my interest still remains centered around people pictures. Even my animal images from Africa try to capture human-like expressions.

    Fun hobby!


  • Apologies Doug for my obsession with Malaria protection. My suggestion would be for people to ask for extra meds and try them out a couple of weeks before they go for a few days to see what their tolerance is like. I am always reading about Progress in Malaria prevention or cure. Since my husband studied parasites at PhD level and I used to help him with his research it’s a big interest of ours.
  • Fantastic!
  • Addendum: a pre-trial sounds logical. It is quite frightening to awaken in the middle of the night with excruciating pain, in a third-world, strange country, with much less in medical resources available than in the Western democracies.

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