Yantzge Explorer-Considerations for your cabin

In selecting a cabin on the Yangtze Explorer for the China, the Yangtze River & Hong Kong tour, what should you consider? Is one side of the ship better than the other in regard to scenery and/or the river itself? If so, which side? Is it better to be on a higher level? Are there other considerations?


  • HuntNfun wrote:
    In selecting a cabin on the Yangtze Explorer for the China, the Yangtze River & Hong Kong tour, what should you consider? Is one side of the ship better than the other in regard to scenery and/or the river itself? If so, which side? Is it better to be on a higher level? Are there other considerations?

    Hi HuntNfun

    My wife and I took this tour in 2012. They may have redecorated the Explorer but the cabin configuration will almost certainly be the same. There are different classes of cabins but between cabins of the same class in my opinion it makes no difference where the room is. We spent very little time in the cabin other than to sleep and did not do sightseeing from it. Enjoy this great tour.

    Greg Jones
  • I was on this trip last year. I booked a basic cabin (on one of the lower levels) and was satisfied with it. I checked out the same size cabin of a trip-mate on the top deck. It was considerably more expensive, but offered no advantages. It really doesn't matter which side you're on in terms of view. One caveat - some people in the group, who were on the right side, complained that it was very noisy one night when docked overnight, due to activities on the dock. When you get to the gorges areas, you will want to be in the lounge on the top deck, which has a large glass window in front and an outdoor area that gives you the freedom to see in all directions.
  • I did a Yangtze cruise early this year, I asked the same question to my travel agent yangtze.com

    They explained to me that when the ships sail on the Yangtze, the boats Keep Right, even when they are docked at a port, the head of the boats have to be facing to the direction of the sailing route, and it is normally the right side of the boats are close to the piers, so in the evenings the cabins located on the left side of the boat are likely to have a river view, and the right side cabins have the harbour view.

    As BKMD mentioned, when the boats are sailing through the Three Gorges, the best locations to view the scenery are the observation lounge and top sundeck.

    We were in a cabin in the right side of the boat on the upper deck and did not notice much noise.
  • We did this tour and the Yangze sail within the last month. I agree with the conclusion that side of the ship is not particularly important, and further that deck on the ship is not important, nor worth the upgrade price. The ship was renovated last year and the rooms were decent and consistent with what was represented to us - best on the Yangze but certainly not a world class ship or anything like that.

    Enjoy the tour, which is wonderful.

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