early arrival

We are flying in early will the Tauck people meet us and get us to Hotel.


  • Not really enough info to answer your question. Where are you staying? Does Tauck know your flight plans? Early?

    In general, if you are staying in the Intercontinental (the hotel that is part of the tour) and Tauck knows your flight details then yes a driver will pick you up and take you to the hotel. Once you get your green book - the spiral bound tour documents - there will be information in it about where to meet the driver and phone numbers in case there is a problem like your flight arriving too late. Usually the driver is located near the exit to the customs area after you've gotten your bags. They hold up a sign that says "Tauck".

    If Tauck made your flight reservations, they know the info. If not, you need to call and tell them.

    I'm assuming by "early" you mean earlier in the day that your tour starts or a few days extra.

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