Grand Alaska Trip include train on land portion?

I have reviewed the detailed itinerary for the 15 day Grand Alaska tour that includes a 7 day land portion. It appears that it includes a flight, but no train ride during the land portion. I wish to confirm that this is true.

Thank you


  • Call Tauck with your question, this forum is not guaranteed to be monitored by Tauck employers.
  • Jagoffee wrote:
    I have reviewed the detailed itinerary for the 15 day Grand Alaska tour that includes a 7 day land portion. It appears that it includes a flight, but no train ride during the land portion. I wish to confirm that this is true.

    Thank you

    Having been to Alaska a few times, I looked at the map which shows the train to Talkeetna, but the itinerary says you fly. The only train mentioned is the one out of Skagway, Yukon White Pass. Tauck might have changed to a flight in order to save time in getting to Denali. The train from Anchorage would take most of the day. Someone at Tauck could give you the exact reason.
  • We took the train from Anchorage to Denali, then spent a few days in Denali. We then took the train to Talkeetna and flew over the park, finally we took the train back to Anchorage.

    This was on our own (not via Tauck). The train rides were great, as one could see a lot of scenery and was quite relaxing. There are domed observation cars on the train and one can get superb pictures.

  • edited May 2018
    I'm on a Grand Alaska trip coming up - the only itinerary I've seen has been consistent when I booked and now - the Skagway Yukon White Pass as listed above.
  • Thank you to everyone for the responses. I was hoping that I was misunderstanding. Obviously a change has been made at some point.
  • Ischeibl wrote:
    I'm on a Grand Alaska trip coming up - the only itinerary I've seen has been consistent when I booked and now - the Skagway Yukon White Pass as listed above.

    I'm really excited about the plane trip in lieue of what I think used to be the railroad ;-)

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