Scotland Tour begins Aug 3rd Glasgow

My wife and I will have two 1/2 days on our own before the tour. I discussed the possibility of a private tour with the Concierge for the hotel and he gave me the name of 3 tour companies. We chose Timberbrush Tours for full day tour of Scotland on Thursday August 2nd that do not duplicate the sites to be visited by Tauck. Price for a bus that holds 7 is about $700US and we are looking for anyone who might go with us and share the price. I can furnish sites they suggested to anyone interested.


  • That seems a steep price, but hey, there is no way you can see Scotland in a day, many of the best parts are Islands, like Mull, Skye, Islay, the Orkneys, to name a few.
  • Might be interested, however we are scheduled to arrive by air at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday Aug. 2. Not sure how long it would take us to get to Blythswood Sq hotel. If the tour would be in the afternoon, I think we could make it easily assuming the plane is not delayed. When would you plan on starting your tour? Or would you be game for taking the tour on Aug. 3 prior to the Tauck dinner at 5p.m.?
  • To Don Johnson:Thank you for your Post but your timing does not meet our needs. We have set up a full day of touring on Thursday August 2nd. looking to say hello on Friday Aug 3 welcome party.

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