Amsterdam to Budapest May 2019



  • We did through Tauck so we're at the Inter Continental before and after. Where have you decided to stay?

    FYI, I just got an email from the Concierge at the Intercontinental Budapest. Was inquiring about Parliament tours and they told me there is a tour company located in the hotel. Link below. They offer several tours around Budapest. The concierge said we could also book direct with the parliament (which I knew) but that tickets wouldn't go on sale until 2-3 months prior.

    In addition to the parliament, our group is also planning a private day long tour of the Danube Bend although we'll probably book that through Viator/Trip Advisor.
  • We've just started looking at things to do in Budapest, been looking more at Amsterdam. Thinking of getting a combi ticket for the bus to the garden and back.

    Not sure what we want to do in Budapest.
  • We've just started looking at things to do in Budapest, been looking more at Amsterdam. Thinking of getting a combi ticket for the bus to the garden and back.

    Not sure what we want to do in Budapest.

    We're the opposite - obviously since we're going in the opposite direction. But also because we have been to Amsterdam but Budapest will be a first. I still have my Rick Steves Amsterdam pocket guide and maps which will be useful.

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