Peru & Galapagos July 24, 2018

Going on the July 24th trip to Peru & Galapagos and will be spending an extra day in Lima. Any suggestions for the extra day? Is anyone else on this trip?
Thanks Rich & renee


  • edited May 2018
    RichardBR wrote:
    Going on the July 24th trip to Peru & Galapagos and will be spending an extra day in Lima. Any suggestions for the extra day? Is anyone else on this trip?
    Thanks Rich & renee

    Check the P&G forum archive- there are a number of post on this topic, even photos. Lima is a big city but frankly, there is not a whole lot to do there- Gold museum (mostly replicas?), INKA market (shopping- handi-crafts, and Alpaca wool clothing), parasailing (tandem) for the adventurous (four of us did it!), surfing for the athletic), Huaca Pucllana, an old (clay and adobe?) pre-Inca pyramid and ruins right in town (reservations needed), Pachamac ruins just south of the city.



    When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping:


  • Going on the 22nd. We are taking a Lima Gourmet Company tour which, according to my friends who just got back, was wonderful. It is a foodie tour of Lima. Look at the website.

    frank and carole

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