July 9 departure

My husband and I are on the July 9 departure. We are arriving a day early in Copenhagen and are wondering if there is an excursion we should do that is not on the tour. We are also staying an extra day in Oslo. Any thoughts?


  • I will be on this trip about 2 weeks after you. Looking at my notes (it's been several months since I looked at some tour books, and plan on re-reviewing them in the next few weeks), I wrote down the Nationalmuseet as the morning activity for before the 1 PM start of the tour.
  • Hi Marilyn! My husband, Bobby, and I are joining you on the July 9th departure for the Scandinavia trip. We arrive a day early (Sunday morning at 7:30 on a flight in from DC) in Copenhagen. Neither of us are fabulous with time changes, so wanted to come early to acclimate! We will actually drop our stuff off at the hotel that morning and head directly out again by train to Louisiana Modern Art Museum. We feel that this is going to be a challenge, but from what we hear, Louisiana isn't to be missed and feel that this is our best opportunity due to open time frame. There's a Copenhagen free evening, but I think we want to spend it wandering after getting a better understanding of the city.

    We don't have dinner reservations anywhere fancy, though from what I have read noma and Geranium are hard to pass up.

    We are looking forward to the trip! Take care - Christie Nachman

  • Christie - that is a great museum. I was there about 25 years ago. Wonder if they'll still have the chair with the Mickey Mouse ears...
  • Hi Marylyn
    We too are on the July 9th trip. You are not going to believe this but I did take a Princess Cruise of Russia and the Baltics and it did include Stockholm, Copenhagen and Oslo. But of course only for a few hours each stop. I can tell you this it was May 18 to the 30 and it was very warm to hot in the big cities. So even looking at the weather now I would definitely pack
    some summer clothes. The nights were warm too. All three were big cites spread out quite a bit. If I had to pick one
    it would be Oslo, smaller and tucked in a big fjiord. We took a private tour there and went to the area that the locals go to and it was great. Walking distance from the center but much more "laid back" Want to go again with my HH.
    We will see you soon. I am Gail and HH is John Olson. From New Jersey

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