December 20, 2018 Portait of India

I am arriving Delhi on 12/19/2018 at 9:30 PM. Please let me know If anyone arriving early is interested in exploring areas in Delhi not included in the Tauck itinerary or meeting for lunch/dinner on our rest day before the official tour. I'm flying United with a layover in Newark. I am a female traveling solo.



  • PureLuxury wrote:
    I am arriving Delhi on 12/19/2018 at 9:30 PM. Please let me know If anyone arriving early is interested in exploring areas in Delhi not included in the Tauck itinerary or meeting for lunch/dinner on our rest day before the official tour. I'm flying United with a layover in Newark. I am a female traveling solo.


    HI Robin: I am on the tour beginning on January 5th and am also a solo traveler.
  • PureLuxury wrote:
    I am arriving Delhi on 12/19/2018 at 9:30 PM. Please let me know If anyone arriving early is interested in exploring areas in Delhi not included in the Tauck itinerary or meeting for lunch/dinner on our rest day before the official tour. I'm flying United with a layover in Newark. I am a female traveling solo.


    I am a solo traveler and arrive the same time you do. On Newark flight to Deli also. Am interested in doing something during our extra day however still not 100% sure I am going due to some health issues. Have you read about all the flooding in Kerala and Kochi? I don't believe the hotels we were going to stay at survived - especially the one on the lake in Kerala. Wonder what the alternative will be? Any thoughts?

  • kkoch1 wrote:

    I am a solo traveler and arrive the same time you do. On Newark flight to Deli also. Am interested in doing something during our extra day however still not 100% sure I am going due to some health issues. Have you read about all the flooding in Kerala and Kochi? I don't believe the hotels we were going to stay at survived - especially the one on the lake in Kerala. Wonder what the alternative will be? Any thoughts?


    Hi Kathy...apologize for delayed response. I've been traveling.
    I certainly hope your health improves and you can make the trip! I read about the flooding and assumed conditions were normal being it was the monsoon season. Thanks for the heads-up; however, I'm sure Tauck will send an updated itinerary in the event they must utilize an alternate hotel. Have you traveled with Tauck before? Please don't worry...Tauck takes care of everything to the smallest detail. During the next few weeks I'll investigate a few things to do upon arrival and keep you posted.

    Be Well,

  • PureLuxury wrote:
    I am arriving Delhi on 12/19/2018 at 9:30 PM. Please let me know If anyone arriving early is interested in exploring areas in Delhi not included in the Tauck itinerary or meeting for lunch/dinner on our rest day before the official tour. I'm flying United with a layover in Newark. I am a female traveling solo.


    Hi Robin, I am arriving at the same time as you and also a female traveling solo. See you on the transfer to the hotel.
  • Would you be so kind as to review this trip when you get back and give us any helpful hints as we are taking the same trip on February 18. Many thanks

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