Dining in Milan, nights of the "Last Supper" and Lake Como visits

We will be on the trip starting in mid-July. There are suggestions for restaurants on the Tauck App. Has anyone tried any of these restaurants and noted some to be particularly good? Did anyone try other, non-listed restaurants that they would recommend? On Day 2, I have heard that we may not get back from "The Last Supper" until 9:00-10:00 p.m. In addition, can anyone let us know what time we got back form the trip to Lake Como on Day 3? We would like to make dinner reservations for those two evenings and want to have an idea what would be good times to make them for, especially if it looks like it might be a late evening. Thanks.


  • see you on the tour
  • We will be on the trip starting in mid-July. There are suggestions for restaurants on the Tauck App. Has anyone tried any of these restaurants and noted some to be particularly good? Did anyone try other, non-listed restaurants that they would recommend? On Day 2, I have heard that we may not get back from "The Last Supper" until 9:00-10:00 p.m. In addition, can anyone let us know what time we got back form the trip to Lake Como on Day 3? We would like to make dinner reservations for those two evenings and want to have an idea what would be good times to make them for, especially if it looks like it might be a late evening. Thanks.
    The tour director will often make suggestions and even book a table for you.
  • Hi Tom, My husband and I took this cruise in April. It was the second voyage of this new itinerary. It is true we got back to the hotel after 9:00 pm after seeing the "Last Supper". We decided to have an early dinner before going and that turned out very well for us. Keep in mind many of the restaurants do not start serving until 7:00 pm. We went to Il Tavalino a short walk from Hotel Principe di Savola and were surprised to see so many familiar faces from the cruise. The day we went to Lake Como we had a huge lunch and I believe we did not get back until after 7:00 pm. Since we were leaving the next morning for Basel we did not go out for dinner. Hope this info was helpful. Enjoy your trip.

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