Best of Ireland 16 Jun - viator tour opening

We're scheduled for this tour and our group of 6 was arriving 2 days early allowing us to book a Viator tour for Friday 15 June to the Boyne Valley - tour # 5299Celtic. Two members of our group had to cancel the trip to Ireland at the last minute so we have 2 openings on our viator tour.

The viator tour is an all day excursion featuring Loughcrew tombs, Hill of Uishneacht, Hill of Tara, Trim Castle and Monasterboice. It includes the bus and guide. Not included are entrance fees, food or tips. Cost is $40 per person.

If you are interested let me know here on the forum or we'll be at the Conrad Hilton starting Thursday 14 June.

Looking forward to meeting all the members of this tour.

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