Herculaneum Sept. 2, 2018

Great service. Used them two years ago for Hereculaneum, National Museum of Archeaology and the colosseum in Pozzuoli one day and Capri the next.


  • Alan -

    When you used Drive-in Italy for Hereculaneum, National Museum, and the colosseum in Pozzuoli, was that a tour itinerary that you created or one of their standard tours? We are thinking of booking the small group Classic Italy tour starting April 30, 2019, and I am now starting to investigate possible pre-tour options. For 2019, Tauck is including a pre-tour option for Capri, so the issue for me is whether to go in even earlier to do some additional sightseeing. When I looked on the Driver In Italy website, I didn't see a tour that included these three sites. Any advice would be most welcome. Thank you. Sally
  • SallyH1968 wrote:
    Alan -

    When you used Drive-in Italy for Herculaneum, National Museum, and the Colosseum in Pozzuoli, was that a tour itinerary that you created or one of their standard tours? We are thinking of booking the small group Classic Italy tour starting April 30, 2019, and I am now starting to investigate possible pre-tour options. For 2019, Tauck is including a pre-tour option for Capri, so the issue for me is whether to go in even earlier to do some additional sightseeing. When I looked on the Driver In Italy website, I didn't see a tour that included these three sites. Any advice would be most welcome. Thank you. Sally

    Yes, it was a customized tour- they will work with you and do whatever you want, within the time alloted. I also asked for a guide who was more knowledgeable about history and archaeology than art- Dino, our guide, was trained as an archaeologist. The biggest problem with touring Herculaneum and other locations is the distance and traffic. The drive from Sorrento to Herculaneum and on to Naples can be time consuming if the traffic is bad, so do some serious work with Google Maps, prioritize what you want to seek, and run your plans by DriverinItaly early on so you aren't expecting to do more than time and distance will allow.

    I believe Capri was one of their standard tours, however, I wanted to do the around-the-island boat trip with stop at the Blue Grotto- our guide had everything worked out- we stepped off the ferry at the Marina Grande in Capri, he quickly got tickets and we boarded the boat and were off in less than 10 min. He paced the day so we could do as much as possible. As lunch time approached, he suggested a nice restaurant in Anacapri. We didn't want to waste too much time eating lunch, so he took us on the chairlift to the top of Mount Solara where we had a light lunch at patio cafe and had fantastic views of Naples Bay, Sorrento, the City of Naples, Vesuvius, etc.

    Both days were fantastic!




  • Hello, I realize this was many years ago, but would you have the name of the tour company with which you worked for the Herculaneum, National Museum, and the Colosseum in Pozzuoli tour? Thanks so much

  • edited July 2024

    Driver in Italy. https://www.driverinitaly.com

    It looks like their site is a bit fancier now and it appears they have more standard tours but still do custom ones- "We are committed to design unique experiences customized to our guests' desires. Please contact to personalize your tour." When we booked our options were standard tours or we could go with a driver only, driver /guide, or Driver + guide.

    I don't know if they still owned by the same person, Roberto Melaragno. He married an American and at one time was going to move to the US..

  • I used driverinitaly in 2022 and they were still owned by Roberto. However, he had another person that I emailed with emailed with and he set up my day in Herculaneum. It all worked out great. Please look and make sure all the museums are open the day you want to go. I was able to see Herculaneum which was fantastic and very different than Pompeii..

  • We used the same folks Fran did -- everything ran like clockwork.

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