Hawaii Big Island

With the eruption of the dangerous volcano since a few months now and all the damage caused by the lava, fire etc. I wonder if the itinerary on the big island will be replaced by somewhere else on January 31/2019 Small Group Tour.
Thank you.


  • The only one who can answer that is Tauck. Give them a call.
  • I agree that you should call Tauck. However, the activity and lava affect a relatively small portion of the island, so I would guess that the only change will be not to visit the Volcanoes National Park and possibly not do the helicopter tour. The west side of the island (where you will stay) is completely unaffected except for the possibility of some Vog (volcanic fog).

    Of course, no one knows what will happen by January. By then the eruption could be over and the park reopened. (or not).
  • Thank you for your comments. I will definitely call Tauck tomorrow.
  • I did contact Tauck about my concern regarding day 4 itinerary going to the Volcano National Park on the Big Island for the Best of Hawaii tour starting January 31, 2019 .
    I was told that part of the park is closed now but no change on this itinerary was made so far. Tauck will contact all the passengers if a change on the itinerary occurs but can not tell me when. ( I guess I knew that ).
    I was told that the safety of their passengers & employees is a priority. ( I presumed that too. ) That's it! ????

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