Limo driver in Copenhagen

After our driver dropped us off at the hotel, he came up to the desk as we were registering. That has never happened to us before on any of our Tauck tours. I had the impression he was waiting for a tip, so I asked him if Tauck had provided a tip. He said that Tauck does not tip drivers in Copenhagen and that I should mention that to my tour director. As we all know, Tauck does take care of tips for airport transfers so I referred the problem to tour director and also to the Tauck office.


  • Tipping is not customary in Denmark. Check out this useful link
    The driver was probably trying it on with an ignorant American. Hey, why not try!
  • edited July 2018
    jhblack990 wrote:
    After our driver dropped us off at the hotel, he came up to the desk as we were registering. That has never happened to us before on any of our Tauck tours. I had the impression he was waiting for a tip, so I asked him if Tauck had provided a tip. He said that Tauck does not tip drivers in Copenhagen and that I should mention that to my tour director. As we all know, Tauck does take care of tips for airport transfers so I referred the problem to tour director and also to the Tauck office.
    You guys were savvy enough to figure out that he was looking for a bonus and it did't work. We didn't have an issue with our transfer driver in Copenhagen or any other country.

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