Best Converter/Adapter for Electricity

Hi Everyone!
I am so confused about the best Electrical Adapter for our trip in October - Amsterdam to Budapest. Does anyone have a suggestion?


  • Our river boat (Ms. Joy) had several 110 volt 60 Hz outlets in our cabin. We also purchased socket adapters (NOT converters) for our devices (iPhones, iPads, camera battery charger, etc) that will charge on 110 or 220 volts and 50 or 60 Hz. Check your chargers and confirm their input specs. Adapters are quite inexpensive and just search for the countries you may need them in if staying in hotels.
  • LyndaStone wrote:
    Hi Everyone!
    I am so confused about the best Electrical Adapter for our trip in October - Amsterdam to Budapest. Does anyone have a suggestion?

    Lynda, two questions. What are you planning to plug in and do you have hotel stays before/after your cruise?

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