Dinner wear for men in Vienna

Has anyone recently been on the Budapest to Amsterdam river cruise. Wondering what the requirement is for men regarding the dinner in Vienna. Do they need to wear a jacket?


  • The evening at Palais Pallavicini was very nice. On our trip most of the men wore a jacket and many put on a tie. It's a good time to dress up a bit.
  • Have done this dinner twice, both times wore a jacket and tie. The men at our table who did not wear coat/tie said they felt a little under-dressed. The ambiance almost "demands" it. Enjoy it.
  • boothbay wrote:
    Has anyone recently been on the Budapest to Amsterdam river cruise. Wondering what the requirement is for men regarding the dinner in Vienna. Do they need to wear a jacket?

    This question has been around the block before. But I just reviewed my pictures of the dinner to refresh my memory. I could identify two men who did not wear a tie. Everyone wore a jacket. There are others who have contributed to this topic who have said that ‘t-shirts, shorts, and shower shoes are fine’. (;-). I am joking. But ... it is not a casual attire event. All of the ladies and gentlemen in my photos of the event are ‘dressed’. I would not have felt out of place wearing black tie, except for the fact that I might have been mistaken for a waiter.
  • A short answer for a change. : )

    Tauck dinner at Palais Pallavicini in Vienna:


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