Carry on luggage

According to the Tauck brochure they prefer only one piece of luggage for the bus to handle. I usually bring a carry-on, small but with wheels, in case my luggage is lost I have a back up of essentials. Do they permit this extra piece or do you have to handle it yourself and keep it on the bus with you. Thanks.


  • edited August 2018
    bcannata wrote:
    According to the Tauck brochure they prefer only one piece of luggage for the bus to handle. I usually bring a carry-on, small but with wheels, in case my luggage is lost I have a back up of essentials. Do they permit this extra piece or do you have to handle it yourself and keep it on the bus with you. Thanks.

    I haven't been on this tour. First, the bus luggage racks are not big enough to handle anything other than small day bags or backpacks, all other luggage (main and "Carry-on") must be stowed underneath in the baggage compartment. I've seen "carry-ons" (with and w/o wheels) handled in different ways. On some Tauck tours travelers who had main luggage were responsible for hauling their extra carry-ons from the bus to their room and visa versa (the driver would stow them below). On other tours the TD handed out extra luggage tags and extra bags were handled just like main baggage. I suppose both are possible on on your tour depending on TD.
  • We had rollaboards for our ‘last’ Tauck bus adventure. No problem. We preferred to handle them ouiselves since it gave us more flexibility in getting read for departure. They were stored underneath with the main luggage when we arrived at the bus. I think they are saying to bring only one ‘main’ (large) piece of luggage. On our recent safari one couple showed up with five pieces of luggage, most of them large. I think more luggage than I could fill with everything I own.

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