Smoke in Canadian Rockies

We leave fo BCR on 9/16 and concerned about smoke for Canadian fires. Has anyone had any recent experience?


  • Yes, the first four days of our trip were filled with smoke. Unable to see the beautiful scenery. We had hoped that Tauck would have cancelled the trip at that time, as did all the others on the tour; however, patience is a virtue and the second four days were sunny and pleasant. We were glad we went but you should check out the fires before hand and if they are not in control perhaps consider not going. We returned August 23, 2018. Our trip was Canadian Rockies and Glacier National Park.
  • We arrived in Vancouver on August 22 and the smoke was awful. When we got to Victoria there was none. The Canadian Rockies had been smoked out for three weeks and fortunately it rained for two days prior to our arrival in Jasper. Since August 28 the trip has been clear of smoke and the lakes and mountains were spectacular. We are in Banff today and head to Calgary tomorrow. We fell lucky and fortunate to have missed the smoke.

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