
My wife and I are going to Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand in October. Which vaccinations are required/recommended and is it necessary to have proof of vaccinations with us to travel?


  • edited August 2018
    Check out the CDC and WHO and consult your Dr who knows your history, most of us are not Drs here. Personally all my vaccinations are up to date and I always carry proof when I travel. You are too late to start the course for some vaccinations now.
  • edited December 2018
    We started this tour mid January 2018. We went to a Passport Health Clinic (they were wonderful) late December 2017 and they recommended that we get a Hep A shot (you will need to get a booster 6 months later), Typhoid (we did the pill version since that lasts for 5 years and the shot only for one year), and were given a prescription for Malaria pills to be started during the trip. We never felt any side effects from the Malaria pills. You still are okay timewise to get these vaccines. Several people on our tour did not take the vaccines but we felt better safe than sorry. We had the proof of vaccinations with us but were never asked to show it. BTW, we have taken 11 Tauck tours and this was definitely one of our favorites.
  • Hello, lovesgolf1: Vaccinations are my concern. I got the HEP A shot and will be starting the Typhoid pills next month. Did you feel that it really was necessary to take the malaria pills as well? The only region that the CDC seems to think is iffy on this trip is Siem Reap by Thailand. Did you have a lot of mosquitoes? I am going in March, so not winter and I expect some will be out. Thanks, Lynda
  • It only takes one mosquito bite from an insect carrying malaria to give it to you, only you can decide whether that risk is worth it. We have taken Malaria meds for many tours and never had ay issues with the meds
  • Hello, lovesgolf1: Vaccinations are my concern. I got the HEP A shot and will be starting the Typhoid pills next month. Did you feel that it really was necessary to take the malaria pills as well? The only region that the CDC seems to think is iffy on this trip is Siem Reap by Thailand. Did you have a lot of mosquitoes? I am going in March, so not winter and I expect some will be out. Thanks, Lynda

    I spent a couple years in this area, and we took malaria pills every day. They say there are three seasons there ... but I only saw two. Hot and wet or hot and dry ... sort of.
  • edited December 2018
    We have taken the malaria meds for a number of trips without any side effects. Why would you play fast and loose with your health by not taking them if there is a remote possibility of infection?
  • Travelingirl, some people on our tour did not take the malaria pills and were fine but we felt why risk it? Siem Reap is in Cambodia and that is the only place it was suggested that we take the malaria pills. We did not see any mosquitos on our trip but that does not mean there weren't any. It was also suggested by our tour guide that we spray ourselves with bug spray the day we visited Siem Reap, which we did. In fact, there were only two places on our tour that the tour director specifically suggested we use the bug spray. I cannot remember where the other place was.
  • Thanks much for the info. Going back to the doc tomorrow to get the malaria pills, but it is my understanding that you have to take the before, during and after the trip. But you all are correct: better safe than sorry. Also getting cipro just in case of bad stomache. Many thanks.

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