what to do in Dublin in free time


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  • The National Museum has a spectacular collection of Celtic gold and historical displays. We also enjoyed the Natural Science Museum with Irish Elk, etc.
  • The Chester Beatty Library is also worth a visit. It's on the grounds of Dublin castle and admission is free. A the end of day 2 when the tour takes a bus drive around Dublin (with stops/tours at the Book of Kells and Dublin Castle) you stay at Dublin castle to tour the library. Alternatively you have the option to go back to the hotel or be dropped near Trinity College and Grafton Street.

    We arrived 2 days early and took a Viator tour of the Boyne Valley - Castle Trim, Hill of Tara, Loughcrew tomb, etc

    I wrote a couple of lengthy posts about our Best of Ireland tour this past June that you might find useful. It was a small group tour but technically it's under the original forum "Best of Ireland". For some reason they didn't put all the small group starts under the new Best of Ireland, Small Group tour. The itinerary's are pretty much the same.

  • If you like history, I would suggest a tour of Kilmainham Gaol. It's a short bus ride from "downtown" Dublin.

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