Tips for bus drivers



  • British wrote:
    This movie is supppsed to be shown on every Tauck tour at some point during the tour, I’ve seen it a gazillion times.
    17 trips and we have never seen it, thank goodness! In fact, this is the first I have heard of its existence! Again, thank goodness!!! And, before I get any witty replies, no, I never sleep on the bus!!
  • I really like the video, even with Ken Burns. I just can’t figure out what ‘everything’ means. (;-)
  • While I agree the differences can be confusing, I believe the “green book” for each tour is clear about whether a tip for the tour director and/or driver is included or expected. I am on the road with Tauck right now and tips for both are expected on my land tour (Sicily) but tips are included for the tour director and the drivers on the small boat tour following (Greece). I would prefer that all driver tips be included on all trips, but I prefer that tour director tips not be included, especially on land tours. I had one tour director last year who I felt did a poor job (very unusual for Tauck) but I was able to adjust my tip to her accordingly. An issue that doesn’t come up very often but when it does it is nice to have that flexibility.
  • edited September 2018
    I agree. The Tauck ‘everything included’ business plan would seem to demand that all tips except the TD be included. In the beginning of course Arthur was the one and only TD, and he put the trip together so I’m sure he knew what his ‘tip’ would be. We have done two ‘boat’ trips with Tauck, and the TD tips were included, and I can’t tell you the names of any of those TD’s. I know the names of all the other four TD’s who were paying a lot more attention to the guests. We have only done one ‘road’ trip with Tauck which we enjoyed, but we don’t like travelling by bus, so we are not likelly to do another. Our future trips will be boats, and river boats. I’ll have to write down the names of the TDs for future reference. (;-)

    I also understand that the ‘green book’ will provide most of the details, but the green book is about 75% boiler plate ... all the same stuff. So if one is not aware of Tauck’s inconsistancies on some of this stuff, you may or may not notice the differences.

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