Sydney to Mackay (QLD) Roadtrip

Hi, I am planning a road-trip from Sydney to Mackay in first week of Jan, 2019 in my 2010 Toyota Camry. (1 day in Newcastle is fixed, rest of the journey is very flexible)
Please help with
1) The best route
2) Accommodation advice (Will it be difficult to find acco at that time)
3) Is there a seasonal risk of bush-fire/flooding during that time
4) Anything else that I should keep in mind

Thanks a lot guys!!


  • Hi, I am planning a road-trip from Sydney to Mackay in first week of Jan, 2019 in my 2010 Toyota Camry. (1 day in Newcastle is fixed, rest of the journey is very flexible)
    Please help with
    1) The best route
    2) Accommodation advice (Will it be difficult to find acco at that time)
    3) Is there a seasonal risk of bush-fire/flooding during that time
    4) Anything else that I should keep in mind

    Thanks a lot guys!!

    Wrong website for those questions mate.

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